Terms and Conditions of Use for Our Website, Programs, Products, and Services
By visiting secretaisociety.com, jennasoard.com, youcanbrand.com, youcanlaunch.com, creativitythatconverts.ai, listology.ai or using any of our paid or unpaid programs, products, services, online courses or any information contained on our website (“Programs, Products and Services” or “Service”), you are consenting to these Terms and Conditions of Use for Our Website, Programs, Products and Services (“Terms and Conditions of Use”), which may be revised at any time without notice. By accessing this website (“Website”) and using any of our Programs, Products or Services available through our Site, you are agreeing to be bound by these website Terms and Conditions of Use, all applicable laws and regulations, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this Website. The materials contained in this Website and our Programs, Products and Services are protected by applicable copyright and trademark law. See item #10 below for our refund policy.
1. TermsThe terms “we,” “us,” and “our” refer to YOU CAN LAUNCH and the terms “user,” “you,” and “your” refer to site visitors, customers, and any other users of the site.
These Terms and Conditions apply to all site visitors, customers, and all other users of the site. By using the Site or Service, you agree to these Terms and Conditions, without modification, and acknowledge reading them.
2. Use of the Website, Programs, Products and ServicesTo access or use the Site, you must be 18 years of age or older and have the requisite power and authority to enter into these Terms and Conditions of Use. Children under the age of 18 are prohibited from using the Site. Information provided on the Site and in the Programs, Products and Services and other information are subject to change.
3. Use LicenseOur Limited License to You. Our Programs, Products, and Services and all the Program Materials are our property and/or our affiliates or licensors, and are protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws.
- The content in our Programs, Products and Services is solely owned by or licensed to us, unless otherwise indicated. This is the grant of a license, not a transfer of title. This content includes, but is not limited to, the design, layout, look, appearance, graphics of our Program Materials or any other material or aspects of materials provided by us to you. Reproduction is prohibited other than in accordance with the copyright notice, which forms part of these Terms and Conditions of Use.
- If you purchase or access any of our Program Materials through our Programs, Products or Services, you will be considered our Licensee. For the avoidance of doubt, all content obtained through us is our property, and you are granted a revocable, non-transferable license for personal, non-commercial use only, limited to you only. This means that you may not use our Programs, Products or Services or the Program Materials in a manner that constitutes an infringement of our rights or in a manner that has not been authorized by us.
- You are being granted a limited license to use our Program, Products and Services, and Program Materials with permission and restrictions. This means that when you purchase a Program, Product or Service from our Website or otherwise, you are purchasing the limited right to use the Program Materials in the form that is provided by us to you with certain conditions as specified in these Terms and Conditions of Use.
- Permissive Use. Permission is granted to temporarily download one copy of the materials (information or software) on Company's web site for personal, non-commercial transitory viewing only. You are permitted to use our Programs, Products, Services and Program Materials as follows:
You are permitted to download and/or print free resources from our Website or e-mail correspondence, e-newsletters, or other publicly shared information that are NOT a part of any paid Program, Product or Service for your own personal or business use, but only provided that you give us credit by name, keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices and, if used electronically, you must include the link back to the website page(s) from which the information was obtained.
You may also download and/or print Program Materials for your own personal use.
However, you are not permitted to share, sell, reprint or republish any other of our Program Materials, including handouts, for resale or mass reproduction purposes or use them in your own business use without our express permission, as outlined in detail below.
- Any trademarks, taglines, and logos displayed on Program Materials are trademarks belonging to us. All trademarks reproduced in this website, which are not the property of, or licensed to us, are acknowledged on the Website. Any use including framing, meta tags or other text utilizing these trademarks, or other trademarks displayed, is strictly prohibited without our express written consent, or permission granted herein.
- For those trademarks, taglines, and logos for which you are granted permission to use, the trademark indicia must be included at all times. Any marketing or promotional tools and/or Program, Product or Service titles or any other title or information of ours bearing the trademark symbols (™) or ® may not be used by you for any reason without our express written permission.
- Prohibited Use. As a Licensee, you understand and acknowledge that our Programs, Products and Services and the Program Materials have been created, developed or obtained by us through the investment of significant time, effort and expense, and that this information is a valuable, special and unique asset of ours which needs to be protected from improper and/or unauthorized use. When you enroll in or purchase our Programs, Products or Services, you agree that you are clearly and expressly prohibited from doing the following:
You will not in any way use, copy, adapt or represent any of our Programs, Products, Services or Program Materials in any way as if they are yours or created by you.
You will not engage in improper and/or unauthorized use of our Programs, Products, Services and Program Materials. Improper and unauthorized use includes but is not limited to modifying, copying, reproducing, republishing, uploading, posting, transmitting, translating, selling, creating derivative works, exploiting, or distributing in any manner or medium (including by email or other electronic means) any Program Materials or any other information accessed or purchased through our Programs, Products or Services, or any other communications provided by us for your own personal use, business/commercial use or in any way that earns you money.
You will not duplicate, share, trade, sell, or otherwise distribute our Programs, Products, Services or Program Materials to any other person, for their personal use, business/commercial use or in any way that earns them money, whether it was known to you or not at the time that you shared the information that their intention was to use the Program Materials for their own personal use or business/commercial use. You may not transfer the materials to another person or 'mirror' the materials on any other server. This means you cannot share or sell or any part of our Programs, Products and Services or Program Materials to someone else so they can copy and/or use them for their own personal use, business/commercial use or in any way that earns them money. You are the only one granted a limited license to use our Program, Product, Service, and Program Materials.
You may not teach or create a course or program that instructs, models, teaches or demonstrates our methods, in regards to launching online courses, coaching programs or how to create artificial art to make money, or speak publicly of any of the tools that we use in the program or product, whether paid or unpaid, including a beta testing, after participating in any of our Programs, Products, Services or using our Program Materials. You agree that should you create videos, audios, blog posts, handouts, e-mails, e-newsletters, downloadable information products, e-books, books, articles, or any other form of digital or printed media that contain the same or similar words, content, ideas, philosophy, methodology, examples or directions as any of our Programs, Products, and Services, you will engaging in improper and unauthorized use of our unique and valuable assets, exceeding the privileges granted through your limited license, violating these Terms and Conditions of Use, and considered stealing our proprietary information and intellectual property, and we reserve the right to take legal action against you and publicly acknowledge that you stole our assets.
You may not use our materials in the program for any commercial purpose, unless specifically noted like stock images, or for any public display (commercial or non-commercial) unless explicitly provided in these Terms and Conditions of Use.
You may not attempt to decompile or reverse engineer any software contained on Company's website.
You will not violate our intellectual property rights, including copyright and trademark rights. Downloading, printing, or otherwise using our Programs, Products, Services or Program Materials for your own training purposes in no way gives you any copyright, trademark, intellectual property or ownership rights of our Program, Product, Service or Program Materials.
You may not remove any copyright or other proprietary notations from the materials.
You will not reprint or republish any part of our Programs, Products, Services or Program Materials for publication or compilation into your own products, programs, services or program materials for your own personal use or business/commercial use or in any way that earns you money.
You will not use our Programs, Products, Services or Program Materials in a manner that constitutes an infringement of our rights or in a manner that has not been authorized by us through our prior written consent.
You may not engage in improper and/or unauthorized use of our Program Materials or any other information related to our Programs, Products, or Services. Unless otherwise explicitly authorized in these Terms of Use, improper and/or unauthorized use includes but is not limited to modifying, copying, reproducing, republishing, uploading, posting, transmitting, translating, selling, creating derivative works, exploiting, or distributing in any manner or medium (including by email or other electronic means) for commercial use, to any other person in a way that earns them money, any Program Materials or any other information accessed or purchased through our Programs, Products or Services or any other communications provided by us to you promoting or relating to the Programs, Products or Services.
- You understand and agree that engaging in the prohibited use or the improper and/or unauthorized use of our Programs, Products or Services or Program Materials as set forth in these Terms and Conditions of Use is considered theft and stealing and we retain the right to prosecute theft to the full extent of the law.
- You agree and understand that prohibited use, improper and/or unauthorized use may give rise to a civil claim for damages and/or be a criminal offense.
- All rights not expressly granted in these terms or any express written license, are reserved by us.
- This license shall automatically terminate if you violate any of these restrictions and may be terminated by Company at any time. Upon terminating your viewing of these materials or upon the termination of this license, you must destroy any downloaded materials in your possession whether in electronic or printed format.
- We reserve the right to immediately remove you from the Website, Program, Product or Service, without refund, if you are caught violating these intellectual property protections.
i.You will not copy, share or steal our Programs, Products, Services, or Program Materials, or any parts of them.
4. DisclaimerOur Programs, Products, Services, and Program Materials are for informational and educational purposes only. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we expressly exclude any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage incurred by you or others in connection with our Programs, Products, Services, and Program Materials, including without limitation any liability for any accidents, delays, injuries, harm, loss, damage, death, lost profits, personal or business interruptions, misapplication of information, physical or mental disease, condition or issue, physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual injury or harm, loss of income or revenue, loss of business, loss of profits or contracts, anticipated savings, loss of data, loss of goodwill, wasted time and for any other loss or damage of any kind, however and whether caused by negligence, breach of contract, or otherwise, even if foreseeable. You specifically acknowledge and agree that we are not liable for any defamatory, offensive or illegal conduct of any other Program, Product, Service or Program Materials participant or user, including you.
a.Medical Disclaimer. Our Programs, Products, Services, and Program Materials are not to be perceived as or relied upon in any way as medical advice or mental health advice. The information provided through our Programs, Products, Services, and Program Materials is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment that can be provided by your own physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, therapist, counselor, mental health practitioner, licensed dietitian or nutritionist, member of the clergy, or any other licensed or registered health care professional. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking professional advice because of information you have read in our Programs, Products, Services, and Program Materials, or received from us. Do not stop taking any medications without speaking to your physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, mental health provider or other health care professional. If you have or suspect that you have a medical or mental health issue, contact your own health care provider promptly. We are not providing health care, medical or nutrition therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure in any manner whatsoever any physical ailment, or any mental or emotional issue, disease or condition. We are not giving medical, psychological, or religious advice whatsoever.
b.Legal and Financial Disclaimer. Our Programs, Products, Services, and Program Materials are not to be perceived or relied upon in any way as business, financial or legal advice. The information provided through our Programs, Products, Services, and Program Materials is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice that can be provided by your own accountant, lawyer, or financial advisor. We are not giving financial or legal advice in any way. You are hereby advised to consult with your own accountant, lawyer or financial advisor for any and all questions and concerns you have regarding your own income and taxes pertaining to your specific financial and/or legal situation. You agree that we are not responsible for your earnings, the success or failure of your business decisions, the increase or decrease of your finances or income level, or any other result of any kind that you may have as a result of information presented to you through our Programs, Products, Services, and Program Materials. You are solely responsible for your results.
c.Earnings Disclaimer. You acknowledge that we have not and do not make any representations as to the health, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or health benefits, future income, expenses, sales volume or potential profitability or loss of any kind that may be derived as a result of your participation in this Program, Product, Services or Program Materials. We cannot and do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result, positive or negative, financial or otherwise, through the use of our Programs, Products, Services and Program Materials and you accept and understand that results differ for each individual. We also expressly disclaim responsibility in any way for the choices, actions, results, use, misuse or non-use of the information provided or obtained through any of our Programs, Products, Services or Program Materials. You agree that your results are strictly your own and we are not liable or responsible in any way for your results.
e.Technology Disclaimer. We try to ensure that the availability and delivery of our Programs, Products, Services and Program Materials is uninterrupted and error-free, including our content and communications through methods like our Website, member forum, private Facebook groups, e-mail communications, videos, audio recordings, webinars, recorded webinars, teleseminars, recorded teleseminars, emails, downloadable Mp3 audio files, downloadable PDF printed transcripts, downloadable PDF handouts/slides, handouts, ebooks, or any other materials provided by us to you. However, we cannot guarantee that your access will not be suspended or restricted from time to time, including to allow for repairs, maintenance or updates, although, of course, we will try to limit the frequency and duration of suspension or restriction. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we will be not be liable to you for damages or refunds, or for any other recourse, should our Programs, Products, Services or Program Materials become unavailable or access to the them becomes slow or incomplete due to any reason, such as system back-up procedures, internet traffic volume, upgrades, overload of requests to the servers, general network failures or delays, or any other cause which may from time to time make our Programs, Products, Services or Program Materials inaccessible to you.[z4]
5. Account CreationIn order to use the Website, Programs, Products or Services you may be required to provide information about yourself including your name, email address, username and password, and other personal information. You agree that any registration information you give to YOU CAN LAUNCH will always be accurate, correct, and up to date. You must not impersonate someone else or provide account information or an email address other than your own. Your account must not be used for any illegal or unauthorized purpose. You must not, in the use of the Service, violate any laws in your jurisdiction.
6. Lawful PurposesYou may use the Website, Programs, Products and Services for lawful purposes only. You agree to be financially responsible for all purchases made by you or someone acting on your behalf through the Site. You agree to use the Site and to purchase services or products through the Site for legitimate purposes only. You shall not post or transmit through the Site any material which violates or infringes the rights of others, or which is threatening, abusive, defamatory, libelous, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, vulgar, obscene, profane, or otherwise objectionable, contains injurious formulas, recipes, or instructions, which encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law.
7. Programs, Products and Services DescriptionsWe endeavor to describe and display our Programs, Products and Services as accurately as possible. While we try to be as clear as possible in explaining the Program, Product or Service, please do not accept that the Site is entirely accurate, current, or error-free. From time to time we may correct errors in pricing and descriptions. We reserve the right to refuse or cancel any order with an incorrect price listing.
8. Refusal of ServiceThe Services are offered subject to our acceptance of your order or requests. We reserve the right to refuse service to any order, person or entity, without the obligation to assign reason for doing so. No order is deemed accepted by us until payment has been processed. We may at any time change or discontinue any aspect or feature of the Site or Service, subject to us fulfilling our previous responsibilities to you based on acceptance of your payment.
9. Order ConfirmationWe will email you to confirm the placement of your order and with details concerning product delivery. In the event that there is an error in this email confirmation, it is your responsibility to inform us as soon as possible.
10. Refund Policy
- 3-3-3-30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee: Attend 3 coaching calls, create 3 AI images, and design 3 marketing posts using our step-by-step process within your first 30 days. If, after fully engaging with our expert coaches and implementing our proven strategies, you are not satisfied, we will gladly refund your investment.
- No Cancellations & Refunds After 30 Days: I understand and agree that by enrolling in the Program, I am waiving my right to cancel my account or receive any refund after 30 days from the Effective Date. I acknowledge that the Program’s content and materials are provided as-is, and I will not seek any financial reimbursement for my enrollment beyond the 30-day satisfaction period.
11. Material You Submit to the SiteYou shall be liable for any damage resulting from any infringement of copyrights, trademarks, or other proprietary rights, or any other harm resulting from such a submission. For all Materials submitted by you to the Site, you automatically represent or warrant that you have the authority to use and distribute the Materials, and that the use or display of the Materials will not violate any laws, rules, regulations, or rights of third parties.
Make sure to read all terms and conditions for every font, stock image that you use in regards to creating logos. Some terms and conditions prevent use of certain fonts, images, and illustrations to be used for logos or trademarking without proper licensing through the copyright holder. It is recommended that you seek legal counsel to register copyrights of your work along with assistance and advice in the trademark process.
12. Intellectual Property Rights to Your MaterialsWe claim no intellectual property rights over the material you supply to YOU CAN LAUNCH. You retain copyright and any other rights you may rightfully hold in any content that you submit through the Site or Service. Content you submit to YOU CAN LAUNCH remains yours to the extent that you have any legal claims therein. You agree to hold YOU CAN LAUNCH harmless from and against all claims, liabilities, and expenses arising out of any potential or actual copyright or trademark misappropriation or infringement claimed against you. By posting material on the Site, you grant us a worldwide, nonexclusive, irrevocable license to use the material for promotional, business development, and marketing purposes.
13. Changed TermsWe may at any time amend these Terms and Conditions. Such amendments are effective immediately upon notice to you by us posting the new Terms and Conditions on this Site. Any use of the Site or Service by you after being notified means you accept these amendments. We reserve the right to update any portion of our Site and Service, including these Terms and Conditions, at any time. We will post the most recent versions to the Site and list the effective dates on the pages of our Terms and Conditions.
14. Limitations of LiabilityIn no event shall Company or its suppliers be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of data or profit, or due to business interruption,) arising out of the use or inability to use the materials on Company's Internet site, even if Company or a Company authorized representative has been notified orally or in writing of the possibility of such damage. Because some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on implied warranties, or limitations of liability for consequential or incidental damages, these limitations may not apply to you.
15. Revisions and ErrataThe materials appearing on YOU CAN LAUNCH Website, Programs, Products or Services could include technical, typographical, or photographic errors. We do not warrant that any of the materials on its web site are accurate, complete, or current. We may make changes to the materials contained on our Website, Programs, Products or Services at any time without notice. We not, however, make any commitment to update the Materials after they have been delivered to you.
16. LinksWe have not reviewed all of the sites linked to our Website, Programs, Products or Services and we are not responsible for the contents of any such linked sites. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by us of the site. Use of any such linked website is at the user's own risk.
17. Third Party ResourcesThe Website, Programs, Products and Services contain links to third party websites and resources. You acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible or liable for the availability, accuracy, content, or policies of third party websites or resources. Links to such websites or resources do not imply any endorsement by or affiliation with YOU CAN LAUNCH. You acknowledge sole responsibility for and assume all risk arising from your use of any such websites or resources.
18. IndemnificationYou shall indemnify and hold us harmless from and against any and all losses, damages, settlements, liabilities, costs, charges, assessments, and expenses, as well as third party claims and causes of action, including, without limitation, attorney’s fees, arising out of any breach by you of any of these Terms and Conditions, or any use by you of the Site or Service. You shall provide us with such assistance, without charge, as we may request in connection with any such defense, including, without limitation, providing us with such information, documents, records, and reasonable access to you, as we deem necessary. You shall not settle any third party claim or waive any defense without our prior written consent.
19. Effect of HeadingsThe subject headings of the paragraphs and subparagraphs of this Agreement are included for convenience only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of any of its provisions.
19. NoticeAll notices, requests, demands, and other communications to YOU CAN LAUNCH shall be in writing and properly addressed as follows:
(Mailing Address: 8605 Santa Monica Blvd #20588, Los Angeles, CA 90069, United States, jenna@youcanlaunch.com
20. Governing Law; Venue; MediationThis Agreement shall be construed in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of the State of California, USA as applied to contracts that are executed and performed entirely in Nevada, regardless of conflicts of law. The exclusive venue for any arbitration or court proceeding based on or arising out of this Agreement shall be Los Angeles, CA. The parties agree to attempt to resolve any dispute, claim, or controversy arising out of or relating to this Agreement by mediation, which shall be conducted under the then current mediation procedures of The CPR Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution 3 or any other procedure upon which the parties may agree. The parties further agree that their respective good faith participation in mediation is a condition precedent to pursuing any other available legal or equitable remedy, including litigation, arbitration, or other dispute resolution procedures.
If any legal action or any arbitration or other proceeding is brought for the enforcement of this Agreement, or because of an alleged dispute, breach, default, or misrepresentation in connection with any of the provisions of this Agreement, the successful or prevailing party or parties shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney’s fees and other costs incurred in that action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief to which it or they may be entitled.
21. Entire Agreement; Waiver; Severability; AssignmentThis Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and YOU CAN LAUNCH pertaining to the Site and Service and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements, representations, and understandings between us. No waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement by YOU CAN LAUNCH shall be deemed, or shall constitute, a waiver of any other provision, whether or not similar, nor shall any waiver constitute a continuing waiver. No waiver shall be binding unless executed in writing by YOU CAN LAUNCH. If any term, provision, covenant, or condition of this Agreement is held by an arbitrator or court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the rest of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated.
These Terms and Conditions of Use bind and inure to the benefit of the parties’ successors and assigns.
Effective Date: 02/04/2025
1. Introduction
Welcome to Secret AI Society, Inc (“we,” “us,” or “our”). These Terms of Service (“ToS” or “Agreement”) govern your access to and use of our services, including courses, templates, training, coaching (collectively, the “Services”). By accessing, using, or interacting with our Services, you (“User,” “you,” or “your”) agree to be bound by these ToS and our Privacy Policy, which is incorporated by reference into this Agreement. If you do not agree to these ToS, you must discontinue your use of the Services immediately.
This Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Secret AI Society, Inc. Please read these ToS carefully. By accepting these ToS, you also acknowledge and accept the Arbitration Agreement contained in Section 15, which waives your right to a jury trial and to participate in class actions.
2. Definitions
“Account”: The account you create when you register to use our Services.
“Content”: Any and all text, data, images, graphics, user interfaces, visual interfaces, photographs, trademarks, logos, sounds, music, artwork, computer code, and other materials provided through the Services.
“Data”: Any information, including Personal Data, that you provide or that is collected from you in connection with your use of the Services.
“Personal Data”: Any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual, as defined under applicable privacy laws.
“Sales Kick”: The platform provider we use as a subcontractor for processing and enriching your data, operating solely on our behalf and under our control. Sales Kick is not a party to this Agreement.
“Third-Party Services”: Any services or products provided by entities other than Secret AI Society, Inc that are made available through our Services.
3. Acceptance of Terms
By accessing or using the Services, you affirm that you are at least 18 years of age, or the age of majority in your jurisdiction, and are capable of entering into a legally binding agreement. If you are using the Services on behalf of a legal entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that entity to these ToS.
4. Modification of Terms
We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify, update, or change these ToS at any time. Such changes will be effective upon posting the updated ToS on our website or platform. You should review these ToS regularly. Your continued use of the Services after any changes to these ToS constitutes your acceptance of the revised ToS. If you do not agree to the new terms, you must stop using the Services immediately.
5. Services Overview
a. Description of Services
Secret AI Society, Inc provides data processing, contact enrichment, calendar management, etc.. These Services are designed to best serve you and you branding journey.
b. Third-Party Subcontractors
To enhance the functionalities of our Services, we use the Sales Kick platform as a subcontractor to process and enrich your data. Sales Kick operates solely under our direction and is not a party to this Agreement. You will not interact directly with Sales Kick, and your data will be processed as part of our integrated service offering.
c. Service Availability
While we strive to ensure the continuous availability of our Services, we cannot guarantee that the Services will be uninterrupted or error-free. We reserve the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue any part of the Services at any time without notice.
6. User Obligations and Conduct
a. Compliance with Laws
You agree to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards when using the Services, including but not limited to privacy, data protection, intellectual property, and export control laws.
b. User Account Responsibilities
Account Information: You agree to provide accurate, current, and complete information when creating your Account and to update such information as necessary.
Security of Account: You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your Account credentials and for all activities that occur under your Account. You must notify us immediately if you suspect any unauthorized use of your Account.
c. Prohibited Activities
You agree not to:
Use the Services for any illegal, unauthorized, or prohibited purpose.
Infringe on the rights of others, including intellectual property rights.
Interfere with or disrupt the Services, servers, or networks connected to the Services.
Use any automated means (e.g., bots, scrapers) to access or collect data from the Services without our express permission.
Impersonate any person or entity or misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity.
Use the Services to transmit any malicious software, viruses, or other harmful code.
Engage in any activity that could damage, disable, or impair the functioning of the Services.
7. Data Privacy and User Consent
a. Data Collection and Processing
Personal Data: We collect and process your Personal Data as part of providing the Services. This may include data you provide directly, data we collect automatically, and data we obtain from third-party sources.
Data Enrichment: Your data may be enriched through the Sales Kick platform, which processes your information on our behalf to enhance the accuracy, relevance, and utility of the Services we provide to you.
b. User Consent
By using our Services, you consent to:
The collection, processing, and sharing of your data as described in these ToS and our Privacy Policy.
The use of your data for the purpose of improving, customizing, and optimizing the Services, including through data enrichment and calendar management.
The sharing of your data with Sales Kick, our subcontractor, solely for the purpose of providing the Services.
The transfer of your data to and from third-party service providers, as necessary to deliver the Services.
c. Data Sharing and Disclosure
Subcontractors and Service Providers: We may share your data with subcontractors, including Sales Kick, who assist us in providing the Services. These parties are bound by confidentiality and data protection obligations and will not use your data for any purpose other than to perform the Services on our behalf.
Legal Compliance: We may disclose your data to comply with legal obligations, such as in response to court orders, legal processes, or government requests.
d. Data Security
Security Measures: We implement reasonable security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. However, no method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage is completely secure, and we cannot guarantee absolute security.
User Responsibilities: You are responsible for safeguarding the device and network through which you access the Services. You should ensure that your software and systems are up to date and that you take appropriate precautions to protect your data.
8. Intellectual Property Rights
a. Ownership
All intellectual property rights in the Services, including but not limited to software, content, trademarks, and logos, are owned by Secret AI Society, Inc or its licensors. Your use of the Services does not grant you any rights to our intellectual property, except for the limited rights necessary to use the Services in accordance with these ToS.
b. License to Use the Services
Subject to your compliance with these ToS, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to access and use the Services for your personal or internal business purposes.
c. Restrictions
You may not:
Copy, modify, distribute, sell, or lease any part of our Services or included software.
Reverse engineer or attempt to extract the source code of any software used in the Services, except as expressly permitted by applicable law.
Use any of our intellectual property, including trademarks, logos, or content, without our express written consent.
9. Representations and Warranties
a. User Representations and Warranties
You represent and warrant that:
Authority: You have the legal authority to enter into and comply with these ToS.
Accuracy of Information: All information you provide in connection with your use of the Services is accurate, complete, and current.
Compliance with Laws: You will comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards in your use of the Services.
No Infringement: Your use of the Services does not and will not infringe on the intellectual property, privacy, or other rights of any third party.
No Harmful Activities: You will not engage in any activity that is harmful to us, Sales Kick, our other users, or the general public, including the transmission of viruses, malware, or other harmful code.
b. Third-Party Client Representations and Warranties
Secret AI Society, Inc represents and warrants that:
Compliance with Laws: We will comply with all applicable laws, including data protection and privacy laws, in providing the Services.
No Conflict: Our provision of the Services does not and will not conflict with any other agreement or legal obligation to which we are subject.
Data Security: We will implement reasonable security measures to protect your data and ensure that our subcontractors, including Sales Kick, comply with applicable data protection obligations.
Service Continuity: We will make commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the continuous availability of the Services, subject to the limitations set forth in these ToS.
c. Disclaimer of Warranties
Except as expressly provided in these ToS, the Services are provided "as-is" and "as-available" without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, or any warranties arising from course of dealing, course of performance, or usage in trade.
10. Limitation of Liability
a. Exclusion of Damages
To the fullest extent permitted by law, Secret AI Society, Inc, Sales Kick, and their affiliates, officers, agents, employees, and partners shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages, or any loss of profits, revenues, data, or use, arising out of or related to your use of the Services, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
b. Cap on Liability
In no event shall the total liability of Secret AI Society, Inc, Sales Kick, and their affiliates to you for all claims arising out of or related to these ToS or your use of the Services exceed the amount you paid to us for the use of the Services in the 12 months preceding the claim.
c. No Liability for Third-Party Services
We are not responsible for any Third-Party Services made available through the Services. Your use of Third-Party Services is at your own risk, and we make no representations or warranties regarding such services.
11. Indemnification
You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Secret AI Society, Inc, Sales Kick, and their affiliates, officers, agents, employees, partners, and licensors from any claim, demand, damages, losses, liabilities, costs, and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of or related to:
Your use of the Services.
Your breach of these ToS or violation of any applicable laws or the rights of a third party.
Any claims that your use of the Services infringes the intellectual property rights of a third party.
Any data or content you provide or create through the Services.
12. Termination
a. Termination by You
You may terminate your use of the Services at any time by ceasing to use the Services and, if applicable, closing your Account.
b. Termination by Us
We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to the Services at any time, without notice or liability, for any reason, including if we believe you have violated these ToS or engaged in unlawful behavior.
c. Effects of Termination
Upon termination of your access to the Services, your right to use the Services will immediately cease. Any provisions of these ToS that by their nature should survive termination will survive, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity, and limitations of liability.
13. Dispute Resolution and Governing Law
a. Governing Law
These ToS and any disputes arising out of or related to them will be governed by the laws of State of California, USA, without regard to its conflict of laws principles.
b. Arbitration Agreement
i. Arbitration
You and Secret AI Society, Inc agree that any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of or relating to these ToS, the Services, or any relationship between the parties, including claims based in contract, tort, statute, fraud, misrepresentation, or any other legal theory, shall be resolved through binding arbitration using The CPR Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution 3.
The arbitration shall be administered by The CPR Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution 3. The arbitration will be conducted by a single arbitrator with experience in resolving disputes related to the type of services provided by Secret AI Society, Inc. The arbitrator's decision shall be final and binding on all parties.
The arbitration shall take place in Los Angeles, California, or at another mutually agreed location. If the amount in controversy does not exceed $10,000, you may choose to have the arbitration conducted by telephone, video conference, or based solely on written submissions, subject to the discretion of the arbitrator.
The parties shall share the costs of arbitration, including arbitrator fees, equally, unless the arbitrator determines that such apportionment is not appropriate given the circumstances of the case. Each party shall bear its own legal fees and expenses, unless the arbitrator awards legal fees and costs to the prevailing party under applicable law.
You agree that any arbitration or proceeding shall be conducted only on an individual basis and not as a class, consolidated, or representative action. The arbitrator may not consolidate more than one person’s claims or preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding.
If any portion of this Arbitration Agreement is found to be unenforceable, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. However, if the class action waiver in this Arbitration Agreement is found to be unenforceable, the entire Arbitration Agreement shall be null and void.
In the event that this Arbitration Agreement is found not to apply to a dispute, you and Secret AI Society, Inc agree that any non-arbitrable disputes shall be resolved exclusively in the state or federal courts located in Los Angeles, California, and you consent to venue and personal jurisdiction in such courts.
Any arbitration proceedings, documents, and information exchanged between the parties in connection with such proceedings, and any final arbitration award, shall be strictly confidential, except as necessary to enforce or challenge the arbitration award in a court of law, or as required by law.
14. Miscellaneous
a. Entire Agreement
These ToS, together with our Privacy Policy, constitute the entire agreement between you and Secret AI Society, Inc concerning the Services and supersede any prior agreements, whether written or oral.
b. Severability
If any provision of these ToS is found to be unlawful, void, or unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from these ToS and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.
c. Waiver
No waiver of any term of these ToS shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or any other term, and Secret AI Society, Inc’s failure to assert any right or provision under these ToS shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.
d. Assignment
You may not assign your rights or obligations under these ToS without our prior written consent. We may assign our rights and obligations under these ToS without restriction.
e. Force Majeure
We shall not be liable for any failure or delay in our performance under these ToS due to causes beyond our reasonable control, including, but not limited to, acts of God, war, terrorism, strikes, supply chain disruptions, pandemics, power outages, or governmental restrictions.
f. Headings
The headings used in these ToS are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect.
g. Contact Information
For any questions or concerns regarding these ToS, please contact us at hello@secretaisociety.com.