Did you know that by 2027, more than 50% of the US workforce will be freelancers? Don’t miss out on your chance to tap into the unlimited potential of AI creative freelancing!

The AI creative Freelancer Blueprint

For Aspiring Creative Individuals Who Dream Of Creating a Wildly Successful AI Freelancing Career While Working Minimal Hours...

In 3 days, discover how to quit your unfulfilling career, hit 6-figures, and embrace a life of freedom!

Please note that all applications will be carefully reviewed, and only those who are best suited for the beta test will be selected.

Discover the secrets to thriving as an AI creative freelancer with our exclusive LIVE training sessions ($500 value)—yours FREE for a limited time! In exchange, we simply ask for your invaluable feedback and full participation before this program becomes a paid offer.

Apply Now for a Chance to Be Selected as a Beta Tester



How to Thrive in the Gig Economy as an AI Creative Freelancer in 2024

Bonus Q&A 2

Bonus Q&A 1

Your Step-by-Step Path to Profit as an AI Creative Freelancer with a Plan to Quit Your Job!

Bonus Training 4

How to Identify and Thrive In The Most Profitable Niches as an AI Creative Freelancer

Training 3

The AI Creative’s 3 Proven Pathways to Profit, Freedom, and Flexibility

Training 2

Training 1


Keep these dates and times open. You won’t want to miss out on this!

 Why AI + Creativity Beats Traditional Business Opportunities In 2024

Are you wondering...

Why This Beta Course is Your Perfect Starting Point?

This is not just another course; it’s a launchpad for your new career.

This is designed to equip you with the knowledge and confidence to take the leap into AI freelancing.

We'll provide you with a comprehensive roadmap, help you identify profitable niches, and how to position yourself as the go-to expert in these lucrative markets.

You’ll be ready to take control of your professional future, embrace flexibility, and pursue work that both excites you and pays well!



Here's What to Expect from the Beta Course...

Empowered with a clear vision and roadmap to launch a fulfilling AI creative freelance career.

Excited at the 6-figure potential that AI freelancing provides.

Confident in your ability to navigate a clear path to success.

Ready and poised to take the next steps in your AI freelance journey, with a solid foundation towards abundance and success.

After the Beta Course

Trapped in a soul-sucking job or a business that's draining the life out of you.

Barely scraping by with limited income potential and/or low paying gigs
despite working your tail off.

Drowning in a sea of online information, spinning your wheels not knowing where to start. 

Tied to your desk missing out on life's precious moments.

Before the Beta Course



Don't miss your second chance to tap into the minds of our AI freelancing experts!

Bonus Q&A 2


Get all your burning questions answered by our AI freelancing experts!

Bonus Q&A 1


Uncover the exact steps to transition from your current job to a thriving AI creative freelancing career (and discover how you can start earning consistent, high-paying gigs right away).

Discover the ultimate escape plan from your 9-5 or unfulfilling business (so you can embrace the freedom and flexibility of full-time freelancing).

Learn the strategies and methods to accelerate your success (so you can become a successful AI freelancer fast)!

Talking Points: 

AI Technology has completely flipped the script on the way we work and opened up a whole new world of possibilities for anyone who wants to ditch the 9-5 life. 

Your Step-by-Step Path to Profit as an AI Creative Freelancer with a Plan to Quit Your Job!


Plus, there's more!



Income Replacing calculator


Discover the foolproof method for zeroing in on the niches that are desperate for your AI-powered services (and how to position yourself as the go-to expert in these lucrative markets).

The irresistible pull of AI-branded images that set you apart from the competition and showcase your ability to deliver tangible business results (so your clients will be begging to work with you).

Learn how to get potential clients lining up to work with you (all without spending a dime on ads)!

Get the AI Creative Freelancer Calculator to 6 Figures (so you can see a clear path from your current career to the financial freedom and lifestyle you've always dreamed of).

Talking Points: 

Join us for the final day of our transformative program, where you'll discover the secrets to identifying and dominating the most profitable niches in the AI freelancing world.

How to Identify and Dominate The Most Profitable Niches as an AI Creative Freelancer 




Explore the 3 explosive high-demand AI profit pathways with real-life success stories of AI freelancers (who are crushing it for their clients).

How to deliver exceptional results for your clients while enjoying the freedom and flexibility of working on your own terms (buh bye 9-5 grind)!

Unlock the freedom to work from anywhere, on your own terms (while delivering premium services that catapult your clients' businesses to new heights)!

The secret to scaling your income and creating passive revenue streams as an AI freelancer!

Talking Points: 

Imagine waking up each day with the freedom to choose your own hours, work from anywhere in the world, and make a significant impact on your clients' businesses. 

The AI Creative’s 3 Proven Pathways to Profit, Freedom, and Flexibility




Discover the brutal truth behind most failing online business opportunities (and why most never provide the leads and sales promised).

Uncover the common traps and misconceptions that keep traditional freelancers trapped in a never-ending cycle of low-paying gigs and demanding clients.

Witness jaw-dropping case studies of AI freelancers leaving expensive web designers in the dust (and how you can replicate their success without working all the hours).

Learn why now is the perfect time to embrace AI freelancing (and how hesitating even a moment longer could mean missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime)!

Talking Points: 

Prepare to have your eyes opened as we expose the pitfalls of traditional online business opportunities and what to do instead!

Why AI + Creativity Beats Traditional Business Opportunities In 2024


The AI Creative Freelancer Blueprint

What you'll learn in the beta COURSE


Beta testers got beta/paying clients after taking this free course...

When she's not busy revolutionizing the AI freelancing world, Jenna indulges in her love for design, sushi, coffee, and pole dancing.

Currently, while she's focusing on her most exciting project yet—preparing for the arrival of her baby—Jenna remains committed to empowering creative entrepreneurs to achieve their dreams!

Tony DiBernardo

Meet Tony, the content creator extraordinaire who has mastered the art of selling on social media.

Tony's journey began on YouTube, Instagram, and various podcasts, where he honed his skills in engaging audiences and delivering compelling content.

His talents led him to become the VP of Customer Experience at Kajabi.

Content creator

Here, he played a crucial role in helping entrepreneurs scale their businesses. However, Tony's true passion lies in creating content and working directly with people.

He has mastered the art of selling on social media and loves empowering others to sell confidently and consistently online. His passion, experience, and expertise make him a valuable resource for anyone looking to succeed in the world of AI creative freelancing.


Meet Jenna, a design wizard who's been conjuring up creative magic since age 16. With a Bachelor's in Multimedia Design, an MBA in Marketing, and experience as a Senior Designer at Nike, Jenna has built a remarkable career helping aspiring creative freelancers and entrepreneurs leverage AI to create successful businesses.

Jenna's influence and knowledge have been recognized in Gary Vaynerchuk's book "Crushing It."

Brand strategist

Jenna Soard


Meet Your Host and Trainers

What Students Say About the Beta Course

Rachel applied what she learned in the beta course, leading to transformative personal growth and earning $1,200 from newfound client strategies.

Rachael Lamb

Carlene shares her positive experience with the beta course, highlighting its simplicity, the valuable tools provided, and her successful client engagement, including potential paid opportunities.

Carlene Olivos

Cyn credits the beta course for significantly boosting her creative abilities and securing five beta clients within days of starting.

Cyn Doyle

Tina gained four potential clients and an important project invitation, marking a pivotal step forward after overcoming cancer treatment.

Tina Trout

Kara, a newly disabled creative professional, found renewed creative opportunities and secured multiple projects through the beta course, marking a significant turning point in her career.

KARA Szczepanski

Jenni was amazed by its depth and efficiency in creating impressive graphics and logos, benefiting both her and her clients significantly.

Jenni Hackworth

Erica collaborates closely with a friend, leveraging AI tools to enhance both web design and branding, transforming their content writing with stunning visuals.

Erica Svendsen

Julia, having received positive feedback from friends as a beta designer, found renewed confidence and inspiration in the beta course, reigniting her passion for graphic design after years of teaching.

Julia May

Tiffany discovered how AI could enhance her writing, leading her to connect with a client and collaborate on exciting projects.

Tiffany Smith

Shannon explored new art styles with AI, overcome creative blocks, feel better mentally, and even find surprising connections, making her eager for more creative projects ahead.

Shannon Linn Sensibaugh

Keith reflects on how a transformative beta course not only expanded his creative horizons but also empowered him to overcome personal challenges, find financial independence, and discover new avenues for personal and professional growth.

Keith Venus

Krystyna expresses deep gratitude for the beta course, highlighting how it reignited her passion for graphic design, equipped her with valuable skills, and inspired her to pursue freelance opportunities with renewed confidence.

Krystyna Pohl-Peters

Tammy, an artist with a background in fine arts and graphic design, found the beta course transformative, providing her with valuable skills, a supportive community, and personalized strategies for freelancing success amid health challenges.

TAMMY Kinsington

Patty completed the beta course, finding it transformative for her interior design career, igniting a passion to integrate new skills for enhanced creativity and financial freedom.

Patty Jablonski

Tracy enthusiastically describes her transformative experience with the course, highlighting newfound creative skills, including logo design, and her expanded interest in animal photography, all facilitated by the course's accessible teaching style and her evolving perception of AI as a learning tool.

Tracie Spaulding Huston

Rache praises the beta course for revitalizing her creativity after years of addiction, highlighting its practical teachings in gaining clients and identifying profitable niches, which have boosted her confidence and enthusiasm for pursuing her passions.

Rachel Harper

Pandora found renewed hope and practical marketing skills through the beta course, enabling her to support her husband's business and contribute to causes she cares about after recovering from a brain injury.

Pandora Duffer Wood

Staci expresses immense gratitude for the beta course, believing it will revolutionize her career and empower her to innovate in web design once again.


Megan found the beta course profoundly transformative, equipping her with AI integration skills for design, flexibility, and entrepreneurial insights.

Megan Marlor

Regina highlights the invaluable insights gained, emphasizing the transformative potential of creative AI freelancing in a service-driven industry.

Regina Allen Parker

Elizabeth, inspired by the beta course, feels grateful and confident in pursuing a career after learning practical skills and gaining motivation from Jenna's guidance.

Elizabeth Angelica

Sherry describes her experience with the AI Design Freelancer Blueprint course as a surprising and transformative journey that reignited her long-buried passion for art, making her feel like she was stepping from a black-and-white world into one full of color.

Cherie Johnston

Sandy, a 68-year-old with no prior knowledge of AI or graphic design, found the course incredible, enabling her to produce impressive results in just a few days.


Joy enthusiastically describes completing the course, expressing excitement about exploring deeper into AI creativity and encouraging others to join without hesitation.

Joy Phipps

Join us in this beta course and discover the secrets to freedom, flexibility, and fulfillment!






Join a vibrant community of like-minded people and gain a competitive edge in the AI industry.

Acquire cutting-edge strategies, exclusive bonuses and resources designed to accelerate your success.

Unlock the secrets to AI-powered freelancing success so you can achieve the lifestyle you've always dreamed of

Receive personalized guidance from industry leaders Jenna and Tony, to build a profitable freelancing career.

Transform your career, regardless of your background - no design or tech experience necessary.

Access a $500 program at zero cost, simply by providing your valuable feedback and participating in training sessions.


Slots Are Filling Up Fast! Apply Now!


How long do I have access to this course?
As a beta tester, you will have full access to the course for 10 days from the moment you start. This gives you ample time to explore the content, implement the strategies, and provide valuable feedback.

Can I invite anyone to join me in this beta course?
Absolutely! We encourage you to share this opportunity with anyone you believe would benefit from or enjoy the course. Simply send them this link to apply.

Is there a cost to join this course?
For our beta testers, this course is completely free of charge. However, please keep in mind that after the beta period, we will be launching the course at its regular price of $500. Take advantage of this exclusive opportunity to access the course content at no cost while helping us improve the learning experience.

What happens after the beta period?
After the beta period concludes, your access to the course materials will end. We will then take time to review all the feedback, make necessary improvements, and prepare for the official course launch.

Have a question I didn't answer?
We're here to assist you! If you have any additional questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our friendly support team. You can email us directly at hello@secretaisociety.com, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions